21 julio 2013

Conference on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for Cross-Border E-Commerce Transactions

Conference on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for
Cross-Border E-Commerce Transactions

The Association for International Arbitration (AIA) invite you to attend their conference on the 18th of September at the Institute for European Studies, “Rome Room” located in Pleinlaan 5, 1050, Brussels, Belgium. Speakers from the Commission, the European Parliament and BEUC (the consumer’s organisation) will be present and will take the floor.
The driving force for the creation and development of ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) schemes has always been commerce. The Internet has been recognized worldwide as a commercial trading platform where people increasingly conduct their commercial transactions.
The discussion will include a compendious, yet essential reference to e-commerce issues. The rapid expansion of e-commerce has led private and public institutions and corporations to deploy their initiatives, aimed at providing specialised redress to both consumers and businesses, in situations where disputes arise out of online transactions.
More specifically, EU legislation will constitute an essential element of this analysis; the new Regulation No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and the new Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes and the respective changes in ODR will be addressed. These legal instruments aim at ensuring that consumers can recourse to a simple, expeditious and low-cost online dispute resolution method.
The UNCITRAL’s draft procedural rules for online dispute resolution for cross-border electronic transactions will also be discussed. According to the Report of the UNCITRAL’s Working Group III concerning ODR, the Rules will mainly aim at disputes arising out of consumer-to-consumer transactions. It is disputed whether an arbitration stage will be included in ODR schemes or not.
Furthermore, a thorough analysis will be conducted, concerning the consumer’s point of view and perspective and the respective implications of the above-mentioned legislation upon the e-commerce transactions.
For more information please visit the AIA website and fill in their registration form

02 julio 2013


Universidad de Valencia Facultad de Psicología

Campus:   Blasco Ibañez 
Data Lloc H. Ini. H. Fin
18/07/2013 AULA 9 09:00 14:00
26/07/2013 AULA 9 09:00 14:00
19/07/2013 AULA 9 09:00 14:00
25/07/2013 AULA 9 09:00 14:00
Tema  Nom
1   Què es el mobbing?
2   El conflicte
3   Técniques de solució de conflictes
4   Etapes de la mediació
5   El rol del mediador
6   La mediació empresarial
7   Casos practics