07 enero 2014

Future of Mediation in Belgium (FMB) Event

The Association for International Arbitration  IVZW

Avenue Louise 146, B-1050 Brussels
tel.: +(32) 2 643 33 01
fax: +(32) 2 646 24 31
e-mail: administration@arbitration-adr.org

Future of Mediation in Belgium (FMB) Event

10th of February 2014 (2.00 pm – 5.00 pm)
At the Institute for European Studies, ‘Rome’ room, Pleinlaan 5
1050, Brussels, Belgium

SUBJECT: The FMB initiative is an initiative that aims to provide a joint communication platform to all mediation stakeholders, thereby offering them the opportunity to contribute to identifying best practices (including legal amendments) and setting out a common action plan for the enhancement and promotion of Mediation in Belgium. The following topics will be discussed:

1.       Amendments to the 2005 Mediation Act:
-          Should the scope of the 2005 Mediation Act be broadened to include all kinds of mediation?
-          Should the term “bemiddeling” be replaced by the term “mediation”?
-          Has the Romanian Mediation Act got good ideas that should also be implemented in Belgium (e.g. compulsory mediation session)?
-          Should documents issued prior to signing the mediation protocol and in relation to the mediation, also be considered confidential?
-          Other
2.       What incentives should be implemented in order to encourage mediation?
3.       Should the Federal Mediation Commission be given more powers and more resources?
4.       Feedback on the First FMB report
Please highlight one of the following stakeholder groups in which you would like to be registered:
1         Legal insurers
2         Sectorial
3         Independent mediators     
4         Mediation providers,
5         Mediation training providers
6         ADR centres
7         Experts
8         Judges
9         Lawyers
10     In-house counsels
11     Ombudsmen
12     Business representatives
13     Consumer representatives
14     Politicians & policy makers
15     Other (please specify)

WORKING LANGUAGES: English, Dutch and French

SEMINAR FEE:  30 euros (VAT excluded). The event is free of charge for AIA Members and EMTPJ Alumni.


First Name ____________________________ Last Name _________________________________
Occupation _________________________________ Organization__________________________
Organization VAT number __________________________
Address__________________________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________________ Fax ________/_________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________________
Signature ________________________________________________________________________
Please send the completed registration form to: administration@arbitration-adr.org

Bank-account number:  310-1688167-65
ING Bank Belgium
Marnixlaan 24
1000 Brussels
IBAN paper form: BE18 3101 6881 6765
IBAN electronic form: BE18310168816765

                     Sponsored by:  
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