25 octubre 2012

International Business Arbitration

The Association for International Arbitration and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel jointly organize courses on International Business Arbitration with the aim to provide a strong grounding in both the theoretical and practical aspects of International Arbitration within a commercial context.

Registration is open for the following courses:

§ International Commercial Arbitration (6 ECTS)

§ Arbitration: Special Institutions and Cases (6 ECTS)

§ International Trade and Investment Dispute Settlement (6 ECTS)

§ Comparative Commercial and Arbitration Law (6 ECTS)

§ Alternative Dispute Resolution (3 ECTS)

§ Arbitration: Negotiation (3 ECTS)

Find out more about the course content and the time tables. If any changes occur in the time schedule, the most recent time schedule will be sent after registration.

Added value:

§ A request for bar points has been submitted.

§ Recognized for ‘Opleidingscheques’ and ‘KMO-Portefeuille’ (Admission number DV.O103794)

§ Official ECTS courses with credit certificate of the university

§ Learning objectives

§ Possibility to acquire the fulltime Postgraduate in International Business Arbitration

For more information: Gunter GAUBLOMME, ggaublomme@vub.ac.be or Johan BILLIET, administration@arbitration-adr.org.

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